Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Game's "Red Nation" video banned by BET and MTV

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Yesterday, Game ran into disappointing news, as he prepares for the long-awaited release of The R.E.D. Album. The first official single released from the album was "Red Nation." Hands down, it is the most aggressive single of 2011, proudly boasting gang affiliation.

Game filmed the official video for the single late in March. The video is said to be very explosive. While fans cannot wait for the video, television executives can. A video and a song so heavily promoting gang affiliation can turn sponsors off.

As Game prepared for the release of the video, he discovered BET had banned the video. Through Twitter, Game announced BET would not be airing "Red Nation." Minutes later, Game discovered that MTV also refused to air the video.

With the major video outlets refusing to broadcast the "Red Nation" video, Game decided he would leak it to the public, himself. The "Red Nation" video will premiere online through one of Game's websites.


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