Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Game's infant daughter Undergoes Surgery

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Yesterday, Game pleaded to fans and enemies alike to pray for his young daughter. Born only three months ago, Game's daughter was infected with an unknown disease. In order to remove this from her system, she needed surgery.

Currently, Game, his two sons, and the rest of his family are celebrating. Because of his schedule, Game could not make it to the surgery at Cedar's Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. The rapper was very upset about this.

Game said he does not understand God's plan for such a young girl to have to go through something like this. But, he is thankful she was healed by God so quickly. Because of this, Game says his faith in God is even stronger than it was before.

After the successful surgery, Game hopped on his Twitter to congratulate his little superwoman. Game again thanked God, but also the mother of his daughter for being by her side.


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