Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wiz Khalifa completes " Rolling Papers" album

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

The past six months have been incredible for Wiz Khalifa. Following years of being on the underground circuit, Khalifa became one of the most popular rappers in the game. In September, "Black & Yellow" was released and it became a hit. Also, the Waken Baken Tour was a major success.

Wiz Khalifa was facing the problem many rappers face upon signing to a major record label. Many rappers feel as if their problems are over once they are signed to a major label. However, upon getting signed, many face their album being delayed for months, even years. Being signed to Atlantic Records, meant this could happen to Wiz.

Instead of sitting back and doing nothing, Wiz Khalifa independently put his career together. Soon, Atlantic Records gave him a release date for his album. Next month, the Pittsburgh rapper intends to release his debut album, Rolling Papers. Wiz Khalifa has been steadily working on the album and he finished working on the album earlier this week.

Now, Wiz Khalifa plans to begin the promotion to release the album.


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