Friday, March 18, 2011

50 Cent gets back on His Grind

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Following numerous delays and a label change, 50 Cent is working on a new album. The album currently has no title or a release date, but it will be the first 50 Cent release under EMI Records. On this album, 50 Cent will be trying to regain his position as the favorite rapper in the game.

Eight years ago, 50 Cent did not care if people liked him or not. With that attitude, he won fans from all over the world. But, his arrogance after taking the game by storm turned fans off. 50 Cent has struggled with the sales of his last two albums.

Forever determined, 50 Cent is working on his latest album, confident in himself. 50 Cent said he was going to work extremely hard on this new album. For this album, 50 Cent said he is going to record as if he was still trying to get a record deal.

The last time 50 Cent's back was against the wall, he landed a deal with three labels and gained a distribution deal for his own, which led to him selling 6 million copies in the United States.


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