Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nas shelves "Lost Tapes 2" and Focuses on New Album

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Following the release of Distant Relatives with Damian Marley, Nas informed fans he would release The Lost Tapes 2. In 2002, Nas released an album of songs that did not make his Stillmatic album and it was met with positive reviews. Nas decided he would release music left off Untitled and the Damian Marley album.

Because Nas has not done as well as expected, Def Jam has halted most of their promotion for him. Sensing this, Nas has had nothing but harsh words for the label. Jay-Z convinced Nas to sign with the label, as he was the head of Def Jam. But, ever since Jay-Z left, Def Jam has not been looking out for Nas.

Def Jam has played with the release date of The Lost Tapes 2 and this has angered Nas. Late last year, Nas called Def Jam out over the way he has been treated. With his outdated tracks even more outdated, Nas has decided to give up on ever releasing The Lost Tapes 2. Recently, Nas announced all of his energy will be focused on his upcoming album, tentatively titled Stillmatic 2.


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