Thursday, April 7, 2011

Webbie arrested for Drug Possession, facing charges for Evidence Tampering

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

On Monday, Webbie was arrested in Kentucky, following a performance. News of the arrest was not released until yesterday and it was revealed how much trouble Webbie is in. The Louisiana rapper is facing drug charges and evidence tampering charges.

During the afternoon of April 4, 2011, Webbie's rental car was pulled over. The vehicle was searched and $135,000 in cash was found, along with two ounces of marijuana. Following this, Webbie was brought up on drug charges.

When Webbie realized he was being stopped, he threw some of the marijuana out the window of the car. This is considered tampering by the arresting officer. Because of this, Webbie is being brought up on additional charges of tampering.

The passengers in the vehicle were also brought up on charges.


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