Monday, June 13, 2011

Former Young Money rapper, Kidd Kidd, shot several times in New Orleans

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Over the weekend, Kidd Kidd almost died after being shot several times. While in New Orleans, gunmen opened fire on the rapper. The gunmen were attempting to rob the former Young Money rapper, as he headed to his mother's house.

Kidd Kidd rose to fame in 2008, for his outro verse on Lil Wayne's "Mrs. Officer." The song was one of the final releases from Tha Carter III. Receiving massive air play in the Southern states, Kidd Kidd built a large fan base before leaving the label.

Yesterday, Kidd Kidd addressed the encounter through Twitter. He told the gunmen to get their money back because they did not kill him. The former Young Money rapper continued to taunt them for not killing him. He went on to call them "bitch ass niggas," among other insults.


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