Friday, August 26, 2011

DMX talks Aaliyah and Daughter of her Namesake

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Despite building the persona as one of the toughest men alive in the game, DMX had a soft spot. Each time he was around Aaliyah, this was evident. After collaborating, DMX and Aaliyah grew very close.

Ten years ago, Aaliyah died in a plane crash after filming the video for "Rock the Boat." Fans and friends were all saddened after Aaliyah's death. Among those who took it hard, DMX took her death the hardest.

During an interview with "106 & Park," DMX spoke of his fondest memory with Aaliyah. X said it was after the filming of their Romeo Must Die. Along with Aaliyah and her brother, the three went to an awards show in Los Angeles.

DMX went on to say Aaliyah was an angel. The rapper also introduced the audience to his daughter, who he named Aaliyah. Asking the crowd to say hello, DMX told his daughter she was named after an angel.


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