Sugar Hill Gang working on Comeback Album
By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer
The last time the Sugar Hill Gang released an album, it was their 1999 children's album, Jump on It. In the time since then, Sugar Hill Gang has been out of the spotlight. Aside from the radio playing their 1979 hit, "Rapper's Delight," Sugar Hill has been mostly forgotten.
Sugar Hill Gang will be returning to the forefront, as they are starring in a new documentary. The documentary is called I Want my Name Back and it focused on their negative experience with the industry. Robert Paradiso, the producer of the documentary, discussed the project with Paradiso said the members of the group would have been set for life if "Rapper's Delight" had come out now, but they are living a modest life.
Robert Paradiso also revealed Sugar Hill Gang has been working on an album for some time. Because their record deal was so bad, Sugar Hill Gang was forced out of the game. When they began touring, they realized how bad their deal was and sought legal advice. Upon discovering what to to, Sugar Hill tried to renegotiate with their label and they were unwilling to revise the deal. Now, with a new record deal, Sugar Hill Gang hopes to soon release their new album.
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer
The last time the Sugar Hill Gang released an album, it was their 1999 children's album, Jump on It. In the time since then, Sugar Hill Gang has been out of the spotlight. Aside from the radio playing their 1979 hit, "Rapper's Delight," Sugar Hill has been mostly forgotten.
Sugar Hill Gang will be returning to the forefront, as they are starring in a new documentary. The documentary is called I Want my Name Back and it focused on their negative experience with the industry. Robert Paradiso, the producer of the documentary, discussed the project with Paradiso said the members of the group would have been set for life if "Rapper's Delight" had come out now, but they are living a modest life.
Robert Paradiso also revealed Sugar Hill Gang has been working on an album for some time. Because their record deal was so bad, Sugar Hill Gang was forced out of the game. When they began touring, they realized how bad their deal was and sought legal advice. Upon discovering what to to, Sugar Hill tried to renegotiate with their label and they were unwilling to revise the deal. Now, with a new record deal, Sugar Hill Gang hopes to soon release their new album.
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