Monday, October 3, 2011

Styles P talks New L.O.X. album and New Books

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Tomorrow, Styles P will release his Master of Ceremonies album. While Styles P is preparing his fourth album for release, The L.O.X., as a whole, has waited ten years to release their album. For years, the trio has been working on their album, We Are the Streets.

Styles P said the delays of the album are not his fault, instead he blames label politics. Speaking on getting the paperwork out of the way, Styles P said it is looking brighter and brighter each day. Aside from his next album, Styles P hopes to soon be promoting a new album from his group.

Taking the focus off music, Styles P revealed he was working on more books. Styles P said he is writing random stories. While his second book is definitely in the works, P said his third could possibly be on the way, too.


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