Monday, January 10, 2011

Dos Diligence back in "Rare Form"

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

For those who really want to make it, it will not come easy. Dos Diligence is a living testimony to that. Having been in the game since 1999, he has more than paid his dues. Still, he has remained humble as he tries to push his career to the next level. Last year, Dos Diligence had an incredible year, even landing an endorsement deal.

Even though he did well in 2010, Dos Diligence sees himself doing even better in 2011. The first thing on his agenda is releasing his new album. It will come as a release off Stay Grounded Ent. The album will feature appearances from people on the team. Titled Rare Form, the album is unlike any other before.

Dos Diligence is unlike most rappers as he is college educated and handles most of his business himself. Unlike most rappers, his career began as a producer. His Rare Form album features beats primarily produced by himself as he is hoping to begin producing for other artists. The main reason he raps is so he can have someone to use his beats and he hopes after the album comes out that he can expand himself a bit.

The album will be released early in March before the Mardi Gras festivities in New Orleans.


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