Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lupe Fiasco wants "Lasers" first single to be Controversial

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Having been away for four years, Lupe Fiasco is looking to grab the attention of the rap world. Had it not been for his label, Lupe would have released Lasers years ago. But, for unknown reasons, Atlantic Records held up the release of his album.

Known for being an outside of the box rapper, Lupe Fiasco wants to come back strong. In an effort to lure mainstream fans in, the Chicago rapper has Trey Songz on the album. Their collaboration is destined for greatness.

But, because of the current situation in the world and his album situation, Lupe wants to turn heads. He is currently working on what will be Lasers' first single. Lupe Fiasco wants this single to be the most-controversial single of 2011.


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