Friday, October 14, 2011

T.I. writing Relationship Book with Tiny

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Yesterday, T.I. discussed how important it was for rappers to get into writing books. This week, T.I.'s own Power & Beauty book will be hitting book stores across the country. Just like how he is with his albums, T.I. is not showing any signs of slowing down. Already, he has more books in the works.

Now, out of prison, T.I. is focused on doing a lot more than getting his new music out. He has spent nearly an entire year away from his wife, Tiny. T.I. is also focused on spending more alone time with his new wife. The two had just gotten married before T.I. was sent to prison.

T.I. and Tiny will be spending plenty of alone time together when they begin writing their new book. Right as he releases his first novel, T.I. is working on his next book. With Tiny, T.I. will be writing a book about romantic relationships. T.I. said he is at the end of Power & Beauty II and trying to end it and start the third installment.

The original Power & Beauty will be hitting stores on October 18 and his other books will be lined up soon.


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