Wednesday, March 17, 2010

DMX sentenced to Six Months in Jail

Last week, DMX informed his parole officer of his cocaine use. That was the same week when he had five different parole violations. With everything going on, it has been suggested that DMX see a mental health specialist. It is possible that the rapper could be admitted into a drug rehab clinic.

While he will not appear on "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew," DMX will be attending the same clinic where the program films. It is said that the rapper does want to get better. His lawyer said that DMX is trying his hardest to shake his addiction. Every time that he comes close to shaking his addiction, something will come and mess him up.

Because of his parole violations, DMX has been sentenced to six months in jail. However, because of his apparent drug addiction, it is possible that he could serve the time while in drug rehab. DMX should be able to return to his normal life on September 16, 2010.


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