Sunday, August 21, 2011

Suspects Arrested in Kampane murder

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Last week, Hip Hop Vibe reported the murder of Brooklyn rapper, Kampane. The rapper was found dead, and burned, in an SUV in New Jersey. At the time, there was not much information given about what happened. Now, the story has developed and suspects are now being arrested.

Randy K. Manning was arrested today for the murder of Kampane, shooting the rapper in the head in an Englewood home. After shooting the rapper, Manning was said to have set the house on fire. From there, he stuffed the burned body into the back of his SUV. Manning is being held, along with two other accomplices.

Manning and his associates are reportedly one, of many, people invovled in the death of Kampane. Currently, Manning is being held on a $2 million bail. Other people involved may have been aware of the murder and may have helped Manning cover it up. Because of this, the police said they might end up arresting more people.

Randy K. Manning was said to be helped by Delroy Clark, who picked him up after the murder, and his girlfriend, Natuchka Etienne, who provided a false alibi. Clark is being held on a $50,000 bond and Etienne is being held on a $10,000 bond. Manning is an ex-convict, who evaded police in 2008 and he is now facing a murder charge.


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