Wednesday, October 5, 2011

J. Cole talks Lil Wayne vs. Jay-Z, who is better

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Before he was a famous rapper, with a number one album, J. Cole was a fan. Among the rappers he admired, growing up, was Jay-Z and he now records for his label. Despite this, J. Cole is still a fan of the rap game.

Evidenced in the title of his album, J. Cole has been on the sidelines, watching the rap game. J. Cole was watching when Jay-Z dropped the "baby money" line in "H.A.M." Like the rest of the world, he was shocked when Lil Wayne hit back on "It's Good."

While the beef was still brewing, J. Cole downplayed the barbs between Lil Wayne and Jay-Z. Days later, both Lil Wayne and Jay-Z denied any beef going on. Both rappers are known for their subliminal lines.

Once again, J. Cole discussed Lil Wayne vs. Jay-Z, but this time the focus was not on the beef. DJ Absolut spoke with the Fayetteville rapper, asking him how he felt was the better rapper. Staying out of the line of fire, J. Cole said both rappers are great. J. Cole also said it is not about who is the better emcee, as he does not think that matters.

J. Cole has also already started working on his sophomore album, which should be released sometime next year.


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