Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lil Wayne on Probation, can't use Liquor or Drugs for 3 Years

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Despite just getting out of prison, Lil Wayne had to take a break from partying to handle some other legal business. Wayne had to take a trip over to Arizona and they gave him a harsh ruling. Right out of prison, Lil Wayne did not want to go back, but he was given three year probation.

Ever since he began his mixtape crusade, Lil Wayne changed his gangsta image into one of an avid drug user. He became known for his cup that has cough syrup and juice mixed in it. Aside from the cup, he often raps about the amount of marijuana he smokes during the run of a day.

Lil Wayne had just started embracing this lifestyle when he was busted in New York City in July 2007. Because he seemingly got off with a light sentence, Wayne continued to push the image and was eventually sentenced to spend some time at Riker's Island. Upon getting out, Lil Wayne promised to do things differently.

Following the Arizona trip, Lil Wayne has to change or face a return to prison. Now trying to become the face of his company, the people around Wayne have warned him about the lifestyle he portrays. On top of all of this, the Arizona courts have told him that he will be on probation for three years, but he cannot drink alcholoic beverages or use drugs under the duration of the probation. For a rapper who even smokes marijuana during his recording sessions, this will be a tough task.


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