Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lil' Kim fires back at Nicki Minaj

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

When Nicki Minaj exploded onto the scene, earlier this year, Lil' Kim, the original queen bee, took offense. Kim was upset because she felt Nicki had taken her style without paying homage. Over the course of the summer, Lil' Kim sent multiple shots to Nicki Minaj, but never got a response.

The comments Lil' Kim made came as a shock because she even mentioned Diddy's name multiple times. She felt as if Diddy had betrayed her by associating with Nicki Minaj. However, Diddy made it clear this is business first. Many other people in the hip hop community spoke on the situation and said Lil' Kim was wrong.

Last month, Lil' Kim announced she was starting her own clothing line. With the announcement of her new business, she also apologized to Nicki Minaj and ended the feud. Despite sending out a public apology, Lil' Kim did not warrant a response from her female New York counterpart. But, earlier this week, Nicki Minaj released a record aimed at Lil' Kim.

Upon hearing Nicki Minaj's verse on "Roman's Revenge" with Eminem, Lil' Kim decided the truce was over and the feud is back on. Three days after the release of the song, Lil' Kim has hit back at Nicki Minaj with threats of erasing her from the game. Not only is Kim threatening to erase her from the game, but also erasing her period, social security numbers and all. While Nicki Minaj was clearly describing Lil' Kim on "Roman's Revenge," she did not call her out by name so there is no true confirmation of her dissing Lil' Kim.


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