Friday, November 5, 2010

T.I. sends Loyal Fans a New Message

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

Many fans who supported T.I. through his previous prison sentence and ordeal are very upset with him. After getting out of prison, T.I. apologized to his fans and he promised he would never go back to prison. But, after only being free for a few months, T.I. found himself being sent back to prison for another 11 months.

All of the credibility T.I. had been trying to build upon being freed from prison was lost. In his new video, T.I. touches on this and offers another apology to his fans. He hopes they have not given up on him and he has made another promise to do right when he gets out the next time. From this point on, T.I. promises to be a changed man.

For all of those who still believe in T.I., he left a message:

"Thank you to all that took the time to check out my new video GET BACK UP with my homie Chris Brown. And a bigger thanks to those of you who decided to comment (good & bad). To all of you who say “He should practice what he preaches” and “How could he do something so stupid…AGAIN?” You're absolutely right and I couldn't agree with you more. But you know what? As history has shown us before, I find my greatest inspiration during my darkest hours.

So all fans of music, T.I. or not, should be able to agree that NO MERCY will surely be my best work yet. After all isn't that what it's all about? If I never went to prison, never did drugs, never f'ed up again, did everything right and never made great music….would you even care enough to comment on T.I.? Doubt it, so bear that in mind while you jump to your conclusions guys.

Martin Luther King once said “Notice not the comments of your enemies but the silence of your friends.” So although I'm still in touch…watching, reading and listening, I'm not concerned with what negative people say more than I am with what positive people don't. Guess that's enough for now... Love you all still, whether you still love me or not. REAL TALK!!! And I would like to give a special I LOVE U to @star_omg and @tinymajormama. - Tip"


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