Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Juelz Santana joins "Peace Week" in New York City

By The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

A list including Rev. Al Sharpton and Russell Simmons now adds rapper, Juelz Santana. Peace Week in New York City will start on January 15 and conclude on January 22. The second annual Peace Week is sponsored by Erica Ford's LIFE camp.

The goal of Peace Week is to help curb the minds of young teens in the inner city. Guns and violence have become so prevalent in the New York inner city. Russell Simmons, Jim Jones, and others have joined in to try and make a change for the better.

Peace Week will host a series of events throughout the five boroughs that make up New York City. The Peace Week of 2011 also plans to move into Chicago, Compton, Detroit, and other notoriously violent neighborhoods.

Juelz Santana said he was happy to be a part of something positive like Peace Week. Russell Simmons also made a similar statement along with hopes that this truly makes a difference on the children. For more information about Peace Week, go to http://www.nypeaceweek.com/.


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